
The West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Nigeria has announced the release of the results of the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for Private Candidates, 2024–Second Series today Sunday 16th February 2025. The examination diet was conducted in two modes, the Paper and Pen option and the computer-based hybrid mode, and candidates sat for the examination based on the option they chose during registration. This Second Series was conducted in two modes for the first time, in line with emerging best practices and the continuous quest for excellence.

The examination took place in Nigeria between Friday, October 25, 2024 and Friday, December 20, 2024.The press release of Moyosola F. Adesina, the Ag. Head of Public Affairs at the WAEC National Office today Sunday, February 16, 2025 stated that ‘The Coordination of Examiners and Marking of Candidates’ Scripts were carried out at FIVE (5) Marking Venues in Lagos, Ibadan, Benin, Enugu and Kaduna from Wednesday, January 15, to Tuesday, February 4, 2025. A total of THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN (3,327) Examiners participated in the Coordination and Marking Exercise.”SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO (68,342) candidates, representing a 20% decrease, when compared with the 2023 entry figure, entered for the examination, while SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND TWENTY-THREE (65,023) candidates sat the examination at FIVE THOUSAND AND SIXTY-SEVEN (5,067) centres spread across the nooks and crannies of the country.”

Amongst the candidates that sat the examination, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN (157) candidates, with varying degrees of Special Needs, were registered for the examination. Out of this number, TWENTY-FIVE (25) were visually challenged, THIRTEEN (13) had impaired hearing and FIFTEEN (15) were Albinos. All these candidates with special needs were adequately provided for in the administration of the examination.”

Of the total number of SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND TWENTY-THREE (65,023) candidates that sat the examination, THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND FOUR (31,504) were males while THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN (33,519) were females, representing 48.45% AND 51.55% respectively. Out of the total number of candidates that sat the examination, SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOUR (62,354) candidates, representing 95.90% have their results fully processed and released while TWO THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE (2,669) candidates, representing 4.10% have a few of their subjects still being processed due to some errors traceable to them. However, efforts are being made to speedily complete the processing to enable all the affected candidates to get their results fully processed and released, subsequently.”

The analysis of the statistics of the performance of candidates shows that out of the SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND TWENTY-THREE (65,023) candidates that sat the examination: FORTY-THREE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE (43,923) candidates representing 67.55% obtained credit and above in a minimum of FIVE (5) subjects (with or without English Language and/or Mathematics); THIRTY-FOUR THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT (34,878) candidates representing 53.64 % obtained credit and above in a minimum of FIVE (5) subjects, including English Language and Mathematics. Of this number, SIXTEEN THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SIX (16,886) i.e., 48.41% were male candidates, while SEVENTEEN THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO (17,992), i.e., 51.58 % were female candidates. The percentage of candidates in this category in the WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2022 and 2023 – Second Series, that is, those who obtained credit and above in a minimum of five (5) subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, were 42.16% and 44.29% respectively. Thus, there is a marginal increase of 9.35 % in performance in this regard.”

This analysis, however, cannot be compared with that of WASSCE for School Candidates. Whereas the candidates in WASSCE for School Candidates Examination are compelled to sit eight or nine subjects, the candidates in WASSCE for Private Candidates Examination, though can register for eight or nine subjects, are not compelled to take all. They are free to sit, even one subject, depending on the deficiency they want to remedy. TWO-THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN (2,577) Candidates’ results, representing 3.96 % of the total number of candidates that sat the examination, were withheld in connection with various allegations of examination malpractice. Candidates whose results were withheld are advised to visit the WAEC Notice of Examination Malpractice Portal at: https//waecinternational.org/complaints to make representations with regard to allegations bordering on examination malpractice.”

All reported cases will be investigated including exhibits obtained, alongside candidates’ representations lodged on the portal. These will be evaluated and reports presented to the appropriate Committee of the Council for determination. The Committee’s decision(s) will be communicated directly to the affected candidates.

Candidates may check their results by visiting www.waecdirect.org to ascertain their status before visiting the Digital Certificate platform (www.waec.org) to access the digital copies of their certificates, which have been released along with the results. Candidates will be required to apply for the printing of the hard copies of their certificates online, through the WAEC Certificate Request Portal (e-Certman). The portal address is https://certrequest.waec.ng/. All candidates who sat the examination diet are hereby advised to check their results carefully and take necessary actions as required.”

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Nigeria, would like to congratulate all candidates who have worked hard and achieved great results. Our profound gratitude also goes to the Government at all levels, Security Agencies, Ministries of Education, Staff, Supervisors, Invigilators, Custodians, Examiners, and other Ad-hoc personnel who, despite all odds, availed the Council of their services in ensuring the successful conduct of the examination and marking of scripts. The results are a testament to their dedication and hard work. We wish all the candidates the best in their future endeavours.

Once again, we assure all our stakeholders of our dedication and commitment to excellent service delivery.’

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