
(If You Have Never Read Anything I Have Written, Read This O!)

In response to, ‘THIS IS RIGHT THINKING’, a beloved reader sent me this feedback: “DA, I heard, but I have not confirmed, that Bro. Gbile Akanni’s ministry is running a school, either primary or secondary, I don’t know, in Gboko, Benue state.

According to stories, the school is strictly for the less privileged. Tuition and everything is free. Even the teachers they have are volunteers and are not paid salaries. The school is RUNNING BY FAITH; despite this, the standard remains high, neither has the school closed down for lack of funding. It’s worth verifying. If it’s true, the information you will gather will be worth sharing.”

Having heard similar tales before, I took up the challenge, went online (THANK GOD FOR GOOGLE AND THE WORLD WIDE WEB, ALIAS INTERNET), and discovered CHURCH TIMES’ article on Bro Gbile Akanni’s WALK OF FAITH at providing FREE EDUCATION for the less privileged.

Bro Gbile Akanni is not a Frontline Faith preacher like many famous pastors in that arena, but, ABOVE ALL OF THEM, HE’S TRULY WALKING THE TALK. If you read this Church Times article, which I’m publishing VERBATIM, and you refuse to see that ORGANIZED CHURCHES can, and should be providing AFFORDABLE (IF NOT TOTALLY FREE,) EDUCATION to their members and the larger society, then, I put it to you that, not only are you brainwashed, BUT, one or all of your cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata or pons, have been totally washed off.

If Bro Gbile Akanni TRUSTS IN GOD, WHO COMMANDED HIM TO START THE SCHOOL, AND THEIR NEEDS ARE MET, OUGHT BIGGER AND EXCEEDINGLY FAR RICHER CHURCHES NOT TRUST GOD TO SUPPLY THEIR NEEDS? EXCEPT, OF COURSE, GOD DIDN’T COMMAND THEM TO START THOSE SCHOOLS. We can’t TRUST GOD for supplies if profiteering is the driving motive. S/He who has an ear, let them hear what the Spirit (and DA) says to the churches.

My MISSION is not to disparage any pastor or ministry (for none has been mentioned in either piece), but to point ALL to GOD, THE GIVER OF TRUE FAITH, Who does the IMPOSSIBLE, gives LIFE to the dead, and calls the things that be not as though they were.Enjoy the Church Times article, and be TRANSFORMED in your thinking!”



Founder of Peace House, Bro Gbile Akanni has given insight into how GOD has been supplying the needs of NON-TUITION PAYING CALVARY ARROW COLLEGE being run by the ministry in Gboko, Benue State.

In an old video interview posted on Living Truth Facebook wall monitored by Church Times, Akanni said from day one it was clear the SCHOOL WOULD BE FREE. “That is what GOD asked the ministry to do. It was going to be for ministers’ children and it was going to be FREE.” He said. However, parents could only contribute to the feeding of the students as much as they have.“Those who have money could put money down, those who have foodstuff could supply. But we were not going to ask students to pay school fees.” Akanni said.

He recalled however that people were wondering how the idea would work. “People were asking how do we then pay staff salary? *How do we run the daily expenses in the school? I TOLD them the LORD WHO ASKED us to start the school would provide.

”One of the first major challenges came when it dawned on him that there was no electricity in the school and the children would need light. Unknown to him, the Parents Association of the school decided to contribute money to bring light to the campus. It was going to cost about N20 million to get the transformer, the cables and all the other accessories, for the school to have light. He got to know they were contributing money when he met a parent who told him they were still owing the school. “When she said they were owing, I was wondering, owing? How come. She said they were to contribute some money for electricity which they have not been able to pay.” That information irked Akanni. He called the staff collecting the money and asked her to make a refund to all the parents that had paid. About N3 million that had already been contributed towards the scheme was refunded.

We need praying parents not paying parents. He told the parents that they were interested in praying parents not paying parents. According to him, “if the parents could pray, that would be okay for the school. We believe that GOD would touch the hearts of men to make the supply.”

He then explained to the staff that the school had no money but they were going to TRUST GOD to SUPPLY the money for the electrification of the school.“We began praying and asked GOD for supply. I did not even know it would cost close to N20 million to do the electrification. But then, I announced to the school that before they come back in December of that year, there would have been light on the campus. I didn’t know when I made that announcement. And that was what happened. We had no money but GOD SUPPLIED.”

As GOD would have it, it was a parent whose child was not offered admission to the school that gave the initial N5 million that was used to start the light project. Before December, supplies came from all corners and the light was fixed.Akanni said there are many testimonies of GOD’S PROVISION that the ministry had experienced.

“When you are doing a project that GOD ORDAINED, you need to look beyond yourself. That is what we have made people realise. The directors and staff of the school have that understanding. “The GOD Who calls you will ALWAYS meet your needs. We don’t need to change our message. We don’t need to collect offerings 10 times. Our responsibility should be to always look unto GOD for supply. We have done that over and over again. And GOD has not disappointed us.”QED!

That is the teaching of FAITH that is practical – that I BELIEVE in and subscribe to! Whatever any teacher of FAITH says/does that isn’t practical, like Bro Gbile Akanni’s, is to be taken with a pinch of salt! Nigeria is founded on falsehood, and ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET/MAKE US FREE. LET THAT TRUTH-TELLING BEGIN IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH, NOW!

It is well o!


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