
I recall being at a production line about 3 weeks ago and I enjoyed every bit of it. It’s been years since I was at one as a Chemistry graduate. The factory environment wasn’t just for me as I became sickly whenever I spent a prolonged time there.

Back to now. I could almost conclude that anything/anyone that will matter would pass through a ‘baptism of fire’. People who are living life right are passing through fire.

Part of what we were made to see during the factory excursion were the preform bottles – very small in nature. As much as I am miffed at our incessant use of single-use plastics and I advocate against it, I learned that those tiny bottles become our 50cl/75cl water bottles which we buy in traffic and elsewhere.


The preform bottles are made to pass through processes involving incredibly high heat to take up their new shape and size.

You want to be better?

Are you willing to pass the ‘baptism of fire’?

Are you subjecting yourself to those processes which are tough but are needed for your progress?

Enjoy Grace and strength!


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