I heard the story of a young man whose girlfriend got pregnant, and the two were separated for 42 years because of parental pressures. In those 42 long years, they got married to somebody else, but unfortunately lost their spouses.
By a funny twist of fate, they reconnected and later got married, with their daughter (the pregnancy that brought the separation) as maid of honor. She came with their ten year old grandchild. GOD is Awesome. With His Mercy, our mistakes become MIRACLES. You can come to Him now or continue with your struggles, on your own.
Whatever the challenge/situation is now, do what Hezekiah did – spread it before the LORD. Spread it before GOD, before it spreads uncontrollably. Put your troubles in GOD’S Hand before it goes into your heart and begins to control your thoughts.
Give ELSHADDAI the wiggle room to operate in your affairs, and perform His wonders. GOD specializes in turning messed up lives and situations into miraculous messages. That’s what He did with me.
I resigned from a good job twenty years ago, and threw my young family into terrible hardship. The hard lessons learnt over that period have become invaluable lessons in my Writing Ministry. My stories continue to bring GOD GLORY, and bring me great BLESSINGS. Only GOD does things like that, and He’ll do greater for you, in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen. Trust GOD, and He’ll do things in your life that you never imagined possible.
GOD is Good!